August 28, 2023 Sewer Pipe Repairs WPCA Pipeline work will begin on August 29, 2023 and will continue in the Route 32 areas of Maple Avenue , Depot Road and Route 163. Expect delays, avoid these areas when possible and be advised of some portions of Maple Ave. and Depot road will be closed at
Miranda Creative Support
Notice of Sewer Easement Improvements
The Town of Montville Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) is committed to operating and maintaining a reliable sewer collection system in line with the EPA’s recommendations on Capacity, Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM). As a result, cross-country sewer easement improvements that cross or are adjacent your property are planned between the months of October-December 2022.
The Connecticut Department of Social Services, with our community action agency partners, is pleased to announce that the state’s first Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program is now open and taking Applications. This website section will tell you what you need to know about the new federally funded program, and how to apply.
MonkeyPox Notification
The same wastewater surveillance techniques that have emerged as a critical tool in early detection of COVID-19 outbreaks are being adapted for use in monitoring the startling spread of monkey pox across the U.S. There are a growing number of sewage surveillance projects run jointly by universities, public health agencies, and utilities with findings provided
Notice of Water Flushing
The Town of Montville WPCA will begin Fire Hydrant flushing on the Montville water line starting on June 21, 2021 thru June 25, 2021 Flushing will take place between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. At various times during the cleaning, the water will be discolored due to the disturbance of naturally occurring minerals that have settled in the water mains…
Property Owners/Residents: The Town of Montville will be performing manhole rehabilitationon the intersection of Route 32 and Gallivan Lane.Work is scheduled to begin on Monday July 12, 2021 and continuethrough Saturday July 17 during normal work hours 8 a.m. to 4p.m. During construction, it will be necessary to restrict traffic flow onthe street partially during